I went away last weekend, sans kids and husband, with my sisters. I think it's the first time we've ever done that... but it won't be the last. At least, not if I have anything to say about it!
We took the ferry across from the mainland to Vancouver Island and spent the afternoon in Victoria. I'd have happily spent a whole week there. What a pretty city! Of course, we were blessed with perfect weather, too, which didn't hurt.
And, oh, the cherry blossoms!!!

We had lunch at
Rebar, of course. Ever since we were made aware of their cookbook, it's been a favourite. I've made so many things from it, and they've all been spectacularly wonderful.

The rest of the weekend was spent with our cousins up-island. We visited the farmer's market, and walked around town, and went to the beach, and had an all-round wonderful time visiting and catching up on old family stories.

I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I would've liked to, and the only one of the three of us that really turned out only included half of my sisters' faces...
good thing they know that I really do love them, hey?