- A Pop Garden scrap flower tutorial from Heather Bailey
- A very cool looking, and inexpensive, light fixture
- A basket table... would be great for my daughter's room
- A tutorial for a pre-schooler's backpack, as requested by my 4 year old
- Printable apple stationery... thankfully, not much effort is required from me on this one!
- More printables... this time to help you get past blank-page syndrome
- A magnetic Hallowe'en calendar... if I start now, I could do an Advent one instead...
- A letters from home picture... can I go back to Scotland to get the pictures???
- An absolutely gorgeous pouch, with or without a leather strap... love it!!!
- How to make a child's cardigan from a felted sweater... cute!
- A stunning necklace... so simple, but so perfect
- Bathroom towels with a loop on the side for hanging up... so clever!
Does anyone want to make any bets about when I'll start posting pictures of things I've actually done, rather than just talked about???