Thursday, November 5, 2009

advent matchboxes, and the best meal I've made in a while

I covered twenty-four matchboxes with paper, painted them, and put little birdie inchies on each one.

Then I made  twenty-four little quilty bits, each with a button and a birdie charm stitched on.

And I wrote out my verse in little tiny letters... twenty-four times. Oh, were my fingers sore!!!

Then I put them all into a box and sent them off to Texas, where they'll get divided up between all twenty-four of us who participated, and we'll all end up with a set of matchboxes for our advent count-down.

I can't wait to see what the rest of them look like!

On another note, if you want to make the yummiest, most comforting food in the whole world, I strongly suggest that you head over to La Fuji Mama's blog and copy out the recipe for Niku-Jaga that she has posted there.
I served it with a side of brown rice and steamed carrots, and couldn't stop eating it. The recipe says it serves 4... that's generous. All 6 of us ate it for dinner, and then I had two more bowlfuls as an evening "snack", and two of us get some for lunch today as well. I'm totally adding this to my list of fall-back recipes!