Not a terribly exciting week here...
It's been mostly rainy and dreary - apparently we're making records here for the wettest, coldest June on record. Most people in the area are referring to this month as Junuary. It seems appropriate.
So, we took advantage of every possible moment to get outside - the daisies are gorgeous along all the roads nearby, and the playground is always fun to visit (even if you discover 3 minutes after you arrive that you actually really badly need to go to the bathroom!)
And in the not-so-sunny moments(!), we found other fun things to do. Like a tea party. And a glove. Did you know that you can blow up a (latex?) glove really big, and draw on it with a marker to make a rooster? And then you can give the rooster a dashing curly moustache, and name him Le Buck. Eventually he'll snag on a tree branch and explode, but in the meantime, he provides hours of entertainment. Who knew??
There's one more week left in June... fingers crossed that we actually get some summer-ish weather!
Linking up at Life Rearranged...