Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10

Our sunny weather is over... it was glorious while it lasted. The forecast is for snow for the next week, which means I'm stuck using my flash for my photos. Sad.

matchbox by Glenda McNeil

But wait, there's happiness today, too! The thrift store was very good to me today. I got some picture frames for a project that I will show you when it's done (now I'm really motivated!), some more yarn for Christmas knitting, some vintage ornaments (which didn't photograph well in the non-light, so I won't show them today) and a basket to put them in on my mantle, and these:

Two of my favourite things right now - a birdie and some pears. I'm thinking of spraying the pears Heirloom White, but I also like the green. Hmmm. What do you think?

I did some needle felting today, as well. This is my first attempt, and I think I'm in love. It's soooo fun! And easy! I can't think why I didn't try it before.

And, the best for last... this came in the mail today. Isn't it gorgeous?

Those colours! And the name! Can you see it? I know the flash kind of faded it out... it's called Corvid. How perfect is that??? Too bad I have to wait til after Christmas to knit it.