Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15

Only 10 days til Christmas! I'm finding it hard to believe that.
I finally put up the tree last night... just a few more decorations to put in place. Then there's a menu to plan, and presents to wrap and ship... and buy...

This was my contribution to the 12 days of Christmas gift exchange... mug cozies. I had to laugh, though, when I got a couple of emails this morning asking me exactly what they were... one very kind lady said that she loved the birdie a lot, but could I please let her know what it was for so that she could place it on the right thing! I guess I should have put a little note in with it...

matchbox by Corbi Beshears

This verse was a good reminder to me today.

 "But Mary treasured all of these things, pondering them in her heart."

I often forget to stop and think about why I'm doing what I do, and I forget to treasure the little things in my life. I get myself into autopilot mode, and don't take notice of what's going on around me. So I'm going to make an effort to do that more often.

Today I'm treasuring:
  • snuggles from my daughter
  • eggnog in tea 
  • the sound of melting snow
  • the smell of cinnamon sticks
  • warm slippers on my feet