I was asked the other day about my wishlist, and couldn't really come up with anything. So, consequently, I've been thinking about it.
I realized that a lot of the things I reallyreally want are intangibles. Not world peace or anything... I wouldn't know what to do with that. But peace in my house, that I could enjoy.
summer house: davidoss
purse pattern: Liesl & Co
I want to feel comfortable inside my own skin. Enough said.
Laugh and dance: pinklilyblossom
Of course, there are also "things" that I want. I'm not so cerebral as all that.
I want a serger... oh, how I miss having a serger! Sewing clothing is just not the same without one!
serger: JuliaVesper
And a new DSLR. I've been using a point-and-shoot which, while fine in its way, is not an SLR. And it's never been the quite the same since its inadvertent ducking in a pond...
16yo daughter: Can I borrow your camera to take on a Photography Club field trip?
Me: Yes, I suppose, but YOU NEED TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF IT!!!
16yo daughter (after the field trip): Ummm... Mom? I was playing with the settings on your camera, and I found this one setting that said "underwater", so I tried it, and... ummm... well...
Me: ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Nikon d60: .PoCoK
And while we're talking wishlist here... I really want acreage. Where I can have chickens and a garden and a miniature Jersey cow. And maybe even a horse.

farm on 16th ave: David440
swift and ball winder: seemaknits
Boots. I want boots. But not just any boots... I want cute riding boots like these ones from Anthropologie.
sidesaddle boots: anthropologie
(While we're on the subject of that store, I just have to say that we need them to open a store in Canada. Need. I'm just saying.)
So. There it is. Me getting all uncomfortable because this post is all about me and what I want. And then realizing how silly I'm being, since it is my blog and all... but remaining embarrassed anyhow.... so carry on. Go read something else. Pretend I didn't just hit the 'post' button.