I'm so not motivated to blog these days... life is very busy, though it mostly seems as though nothing is ever accomplished. It's depressing. So here's my fill-in-the-blanks attempt to get back into it.
Outside my window... a blustery wind. This morning it was pouring rain. The weather is never boring at this time of year.
I am thinking... about love. And letting go. And sacrifice. And growing up.
I am thankful for... friends. tea with lemon. a car that runs. chocolate. jeans that fit. new books to read.
From the learning rooms... Ellie loves math best of all. And she's developing into a rather good artist. She sketched a mug today, from several different viewpoints. I was quite impressed.
From the kitchen... soup. ahhhhh, soup. Greek red lentil, today. so good.
I am wearing... warmth. not fashion.
I am creating... costumes. Yes, it is that time of year again. Drama time. This year, it's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Right now I'm working on Aslan's costume.
I am going... round in circles. And, predictably, getting dizzy.
I am reading... stacks and stacks of books. Being sick seems to open up time for that - not much motivation for anything beyond lounging around on the couch. I just finished reading Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card. Loved it.
I am hoping... for sunshine.
I am hearing... silence. At last. I crave it; wait for it all day long.
Around the house... a mess. We've all been sick, in turns; not much has been done. I will have to work like a maniac tomorrow, though, because we have guests coming in the evening. Fortunately they are friends, and I don't feel the need to impress them...
A few plans for the rest of the week:
- menu planning and grocery shopping
- a photo walk : I've heard that we're supposed to get sunshine on Wednesday
- sorting and purging one room... to start with. I'm frustrated with how quickly stuff accumulates.
Here is picture that I am sharing...
not a terribly great photo... my attempt at finding beauty in all this rain... |
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