Another month just flew by. It boggles my mind that this year is one third finished. I'm glad that spring has arrived, though. It's my favourite.
This month I...
Well, I went away sans family for the better part of four days. Ahhhh, that was refreshing. It's something I need to do every once in a while.
Read lots.
Among others, I read the first three Jack Aubrey/Steven Maturin books by Patrick O'Brian (you may have seen Russell Crowe
(yum) in Master and Commander: Far Side of the World). The books were a bit slow, and a tad heavy on the technical/sailing side, but I enjoyed them. Every once in a while there would be a statement that would make me laugh out loud with its dry, unexpected wit. Now I just need to slowly accumulate the other ten or so books in the series.
Also, I re-read a few of Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Whimsey books. That's always a treat... her characters are so very appealing in their humanity.
A new author for me is Rennie Airth. I read his trilogy of crime/suspense books, set between post-WWI and mid-WWII in rural Britain and found them rather enjoyable.
Took a lot of photos.
As I may have mentioned once or twice, I've got a new smartphone with a very capable little camera. Now I'm never without the means of snapping a picture (...unless I've forgotten to bring my phone along...). Instagram is my new favourite thing.
Watched some TV.
Once Upon A Time has been fabulous. I can not wait to see how it all plays out, and I'm already mourning the end-of-season that is right around the corner. I do, however, dread the possibility that next season won't live up to this one. I've seen so many shows start out well and then just sink to utter dreck within a few years.
Castle is always a favourite. I love Nathan Fillion. And having Adam Baldwin guest on the show last week was pure fun! And this week there were zombies. I ask you, can it get better than that? Quote of the week: "It's time to holster the lasers and be adults." Awesome.
Also, Eureka is back again with the other half of the season (what is with the weird scheduling of some of these shows??)
And, of course, NCIS.
Cooked/ate. Paleo.
Still going with the paleo thing... have lost a few pounds, which is good, but more importantly, my brain chemistry seems to have improved. I feel like I'm a lot more emotionally level. Not so many mood swings. I'm liking it.
I bought a few purse/bag patterns from
Keyka Lou. I like her designs a lot - they're cute, easily adaptable, and simple to make. Also, she allows people to sell things made from her patterns (as long as they're hand-made, not mass-produced) which I may actually start to do soon.
Made pottery.
Two evenings a week of classes. It was a bit much, and I'll be going back to just one night a week after this session is over with. I've been improving, though, and have made some pretty things. Glazing happens this week, and then I'll soon have a bunch of new things to show. (Which reminds me, I still haven't posted pictures of the last batch... better get on that soon!)
Ambleside Online Year 1 is still going well... when we do it. I'm soooo not motivated to do school every day, but we're pushing through. I still haven't decided if we'll keep going through the summer or not... it might be better to keep the routine going so we don't lose it entirely.
Many things. Like blogging, and what to talk about. Like God, and my relationship with him (it's complicated). Like prayer, and how I've realize that I don't really believe in it. Like how an introvert (me) fits into an extrovert-rewarding society. Like what my dreams are, and why they should matter. Many things, for which I have few answers.
So, that's a glimpse of my April. And while I wrote all this, May has arrived. Happy May Day!!
one of my favourite things about spring... wild flowers in the evening sun. |